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Fix now and relax

At the risk of sounding like a Grinch this close to Christmas... Interest rates are on the rise and we'll likely see some more increases in interest rates in 2017.

But like the jolly fat man this Christmas I come bearing gifts. That gift is this advice (and the helpful service) of suggesting you get in now and fix any loans that you currently have floating or are going to come off their fixed terms early in the new year.

The two year fixed rate across most major banks has increased around .25% in the last month which on a loan of $300K would cost you another $750 each year. Indications are that we could see a similar increase early next year so you don't want to get left behind. There are a lot more fun things you can spend your money on this summer than extra interest costs.

How can we help?

Regardless of which bank you're with, we can negotiate the best interest rates on your behalf and arrange for your loan to be re-fixed.

For most cases this will just mean a few quick emails on your behalf and you're on your way to savings.

If you'd like to review your lending, set some financial goals for the coming year or just assess whether you're still getting the best deal and have the right structure for you then we can arrange to have a more detailed review with you.

All of this, free of charge of course.

So get in touch with the team at My Mortgage here and let us save you some money on your mortgage so you can enjoy those summer days lying on the beach. Just think of how many ice creams you could buy with those savings!

We look forward to hearing from you soon

Adam, Claire and the team at My Mortgage


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