Do You Have a Lazy Loan?
A lazy loan is a loan that is not performing as best as it could be for you.
Often, we find that when people are changing loan structures or loans are expiring, or they are buying and selling new properties, people end up with loans that are no longer tied in with where they are going and what their financial goals are.
For example, if you have a loan sitting there that is floating, you are possibly paying double what you could be if you fixed that amount – higher interest rates means that you are… you guessed it… paying more interest!
On a $50K floating loan, you could be paying an extra $1000/year in interest than if you fixed the loan – a cost that you really might not need to be paying
If you have a structure that is not quite right, and not quite pulling its weight – we can help!
Our advisors are always happy to have the conversation with you about whether your loans are working the best that they can be for you. If we (you and me) decide together that they could be working better, we will help get everything as it should be. We want your home loans to work for you, not against you and are passionate about getting people the right fit for them.
Touch base with Adam, Claire, Greg or Amber and they can have a look at your loans, see where things may be able to be improved and make a plan. You may also find that things are in great shape, but it's worth checking!